General Mills is the company that manufactures the Betty Crocker products. Betty Crocker is a very well known food product line, competing companies will use Betty Crocker as there guidelines.
I photographed the main pictures on the front. So, the cake slice is the main focus but it doesn’t take over the front. In the background you can see the full cake with a piece missing as well as a main ingredient (to emphasize that the picture is that flavour of cake). Some of the important nutrition facts are on the front to draw more customers in. On the side of the package you have a picture of cake that a customer mailed in to get people interested and motivated to buy the product. The back instruction page was all redesigned, I choose new illustrations for the directions and laid them out differently so they are more user friendly. The illustrations are simple but fun and modern. There is also a spot on the back for people to send in more picture and their own recipes.
The PoP piece is a pop-up promo shelf that advertises the new flavors and also includes icing so you can grab all you need right there in front of you. The piece also gets the customers attention because its not on the shelf and they will have to go around it to get down the aisle but most will not be able to resist the mouth watering pictures on the box.