Movement TV is primarily a Dance TV station, they run movies and TV shows about dance, cheerleading, figure skating, etc. Because the station doesn’t solely focus on dance I decided on the name Movement TV. The main function of the station is that people summit dance videos for the chance to make it into the top 10 of the day and then can be carried on the a top 20 of the week or top 100 of the year. The logo is in a script font to reflect the contemporary movements of dance. Following that idea the animation is a line that moves around the dancers and reflects the pattern of their movements. They occasionally draws stick-figures in dancing positions to further show the line is suppose to reflect the dancers movements. The logo can appears in different colours depending on the background and the text that accompanies the logo font is the Gotham Font family. The music in all the videos represents the mood of the video and accents the highlights in the dance clips.